Saturday 23 December 2017



Goal setting
The student does not make an effort to participate in the establishment of goals or to internalize the goals associated with learning activities.
The student participates minimally in the goal setting process.
The student is capable of setting goals using a prescribed or adapted process.
The student has achieved competence and independence in goal setting.

Strategic planning
No effort is made to plan strategically.
With significant assistance, the student can do some planning of learning activities. 

With minimal supervision, the student uses tools and processes to plan learning activities and establish benchmarks.
The student has achieved competence and independence in planning functions.
The ideas expressed are
not original, often
confused and
are not connected to discussions around the
subject matter.
The ideas expressed are
not necessarily
original, and are not usually connected to
discussions around
the subject matter.
The student
expresses some original ideas.
the majority
of ideas are
related to the
subject matter.
The student
has many original
ideas and expresses them
clearly. the great
majority of ideas
are related to
the subject matter.
The post
Frequency is well
Below course
The post frequency is slightly below
The post frequency is slightly above
The post frequency greatly
Exceeds course
Posts are of very
Poor quality. There is little to no evidence of
Reading other
Information in
Order to form
New meaning
Of the topics
At hand.
Posts show a below average,
Overly casual
Writing style with
A lack of attention
To style. Students
Pay little attention
To other reading
And mostly regurgitate previous personal
Posts show above
Average writing style. The content
demonstrates that
the student reads
moderately, and
attempts to synthesize information and
form new meaning.
Posts are well
written, and are
characterized by
elements of a strong writing
style. The content
demonstrates that
the student is well
read, synthesizes
learned content
and constructs
new meaning.
The student did
nothing to enhance or
personalize the
weblog space.
There is very little
evidence of multimedia
and the student
blog is primarily
text based.
The student
enhanced their
weblog to some
extent using video, audio, images or other
add ons.
The student
greatly enhanced
their weblog
space using
video, audio,
images or
other add ons.
students do no
show evidence
in any participation in the blogging
community, or the course
through the
use of weblogs.
Students rarely
participated in
the blogging community. most,
if not all, participation
was limited to the
weblogs of other
The student participated moderately in the
blogging community. there
was some evidence of out of
class participation.
The student participated actively in the
blogging community via
comments on other weblogs,
and citing others
in their research
and writing.

Belief in abilities
The student may believe that he/she is simply not capable of completing a task due to lack of ability. 
The student needs a great deal of encouragement and support to bolster confidence.
The student believes in his/her ability to complete appropriate tasks, but care must be taken to watch for evidence of frustration. 
All appropriate learning activities are approached with confidence and challenging tasks are sought out. 

Goal-directed effort
The student views the task simply as something that needs to be finished, though he/she is likely to simply forget about the task between reminders by the teacher. 
The focus of effort in learning tasks is primarily on the completion of the task, though attention to goals can be elicited through dialogue.

The focus of effort is primarily on learning goals.
The focus in all activities is on learning goals; tasks are sometimes extended in pursuit of these goals.

The student is easily stymied when involved in learning and lacks strategies for overcoming roadblocks.
The student, while lacking internal self-instruction strategies, occasionally applies strategies under a teacher’s direction.
The student has internalized some self-instruction strategies. With direction, a variety of these are applied.
The student has many strategies for self-instruction and applies these independently.

The student is not able to monitor his/her efforts during learning. 
Student self-monitoring during learning requires the active involvement of a teacher. 

The student is able to monitor his/her efforts during learning with occasional guidance from a teacher. 
The student automatically and independently monitors performance during the learning activity and self-corrects as needed. 

Help seeking
The student does not seek help, preferring to abandon a task.
The student occasionally seeks help, but often from inappropriate sources.
The student occasionally seeks help and usually selects the appropriate source.
The student seeks help when needed and accurately identifies the most efficient and effective source of assistance.

No effort is made to assess the quality of work completed during a learning activity. 

The student relies on external sources for evaluation of learning products, but can be guided to limited self-evaluation. 

The student is able to self-evaluate using provided rubrics and tools with minimal assistance from the teacher. 

Self-evaluation is automatic and the student is capable of sophisticated analysis of progress against standards or, in the absence of standards, against the work of others. 


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